The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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School Performance Table

How Well Are We Doing?

At Napier Primary academy, we believe that all children should make good progress in every lesson so as a result, no matter what the children’s starting point is they will make at least good progress across a year. Our aim is that every child leaves Napier meeting age related expectations so that they are ready for the next stage in their learning. 

DFE performance tables

Pupil achievement is measured in two ways:


This shows where a child is in relation to age related expectations.


This shows how well a child has progressed in their learning from their starting point in the year or Key Stage.

Progress School Medway National
Reading, writing and maths combined +11   0.0
Reading +0.4   0.0
Writing +1.1   0.0
Maths +0.8   0.0
Combined reading, writing and maths School Medway National
Expected standard or above (100+) 65% 56% 59%
Higher standard (110+) 1%   8%


  School Medway National
Reading test - expected standard or above (100+) 74% 71% 75%
Reading test - higher standard (110+) 22%   29%
Writing teacher assessment - expected standard or above 69% 70% 71%
Writing teacher assessment - greater depth 3%   13%
Maths test - expected standard or above (100+) 78% 68% 71%
Maths test - higher standard (110+) 20%   25%
Grammar, Punctuation Spelling test - expected standard or above (100+) 44% 66% 72%
Grammar, Punctuation Spelling test - higher standard (110+) 13%   31%
Science teacher assessment - expected standard 71%   82%


  School Meday National
Reading Test 105   104
Maths Test 105   105
Grammar Punctuation Spelling Test 100   106